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Industrial Applications

There are many other applications next to the disinfection of sanitary water. Also, for these applications the water must be germ free and totally safe. Such applications are:

  • Water to rinse pipe systems in food and beverage industry
  • Legionella prevention in cooling towers
  • Water disinfection in laundry works/industry
  • Vegetables and fruit washing
  • Washing of vehicles such as trains, carriages, busses, trucks, trailers
  • Rinsing of tanks on trailers to transport liquids
  • Disinfection of re-used or grey water
  • Disinfection of drain water in green houses (ornamental plants, floriculture, vegetables)

Here are some references.

nt-CLE system is being used for permanent disinfection of water against mico-organisms in a Belgian dairy plant.

Rinsing of pipe work in the production process. Water flow is 90 m³/h.

nt-CLE system is being used for permanent disinfection against micro-organisms in a Belgian food company

Since 2017 nt-CLE 60 (60 g/h) is used for the disinfection of process water used for processing of potatoes. Flow rate is 50 m³/h.

nt-CLE system is being used for the permanent disinfection of water against micro-organisms in a Belgian/French vegetable company.

Since 2014 nt-CLE 3000 (3 kg/h) is being used for disinfection of rinsing water for the processing of fresh herbs.

nt-CLE system, AqualityBox®,  is being used for permanent disinfection against micro-organisms in a Belgian/Dutch Tank Cleaning Company

Since 2016 AqualityBox® is being used for the disinfection of rinsing water to clean tanks on trailers for transportation of liquids.

nt-CLE system, AqualityBox®  is being used for permanent disinfection against micro-organisms and Legionella bacteria in a Belgian meat processing company

Since 2014 AqualityBox® is being used for the disinfection of cooling towers as part of their Legionella Prevention Plan.

Waste water free Green houses

Starting from 2020, according to EU legislation, green houses can no longer drain their waste water as such.

Newtec developped, in partnership with the Humboldt University Berlin, a solution: an efficient electrolysis system to re-use nutrition rich drain water. The new system is now used widespread.

The system proved to be very effective against bacteria, viruses and fungus. Moreover, the formation of unwanted by-products such as chlorates is very low – far below the EU limits. In addition, savings up to 30% on fertilisers and the increased yield per square meter are even bigger advantages. The investment for our system has a very short pay back time and is ideally suited to comply with the new EU legislations.